Harvest Time at Rustic Roots Homestead
Hello friends,
Building this website is going a lot slower than I'd like, but for good reason. It's harvest time at Rustic Roots Farm. I've been canning pickles, garlic, various hot peppers, tomatoes and onions just to name a few. I even pickled cauliflower, peppers, onions and carrots. Half the batch is garlic dill and the other half is zesty bread and butter. Next in line is my father in law's famous chili sauce. It's especially good on mashed potatoes!
I added my first products to the SHOP section tonight. This is a huge milestone for me! I'm really excited to share my work with the world. I have a lot on my plate each and every day so I don't get to create as often as I desire. Homesteading is tough, but oh so rewarding. I get to have my morning coffee with the song birds and the sunshine. I also get the pleasure of petting fuzzy bunnies every day. Our whole way of life {including my art} is a cycle. Example: Our rabbits feed us and keep us warm and their poo is amazing fertilizer for our summer crops (which in turn, feed them as well). Becoming self-sustaining does not happen overnight and neither does running a successful business. May the great power of patience be with me!